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Legend Development Services, Inc. | Hauppauge, NY

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David Mattson

How do you ensure the people you have hired will hold themselves accountable? Whether it's for a sales role, or any other role within your organization, how do you ensure accountability? Accountability must begin with us as leaders looking in the mirror and asking ourselves some tough questions. 

16 Key principles for sales leaders who are ready to make the journey necessary to transform a team of disengaged or marginally engaged salespeople into a cohesive, committed team capable of generating scalable revenue growth.

Team ownership of ideas is, for many teams, the great untapped resource of sales leadership. Harry Truman may have captured the force of this concept best when he said, “It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.”

Here are five steps for conducting a TEAM STORM session to drive engagement and create team buy-in on solutions for problems and challenges.

What can you do to close sales more quickly? Here are five specific strategies to shorten your selling cycle: Don’t start the cycle unless there is a compelling reason to do so, call at the top, deal with potential roadblocks early in the process, disqualify opportunities as soon as possible, and obtain firm commitments.